• P-51D-Mustang_700_600_469RF
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  • P-51D-Mustang_700_600_469RK
  • P-51D-Mustang_700_600_469RE


Matterhorn Circle MC 32-011 P-51D Mustang

This decal sheet has been designed without a particular Kit in mind. Certainly the arrival of the fantastic Tamiya kits have triggered the need for updated and detailed decals to enable modelers to build a true copy of one of the 130 P-51’s that graced the skys of Switzerland

The Decals have been printed by Fantasy Printshop in the UK. Two layers of white are printed to offer superior opacity.

The set in 1/32 scale holds details for one complete aircraft. To build the model with the original squared national insigna, the paint masks must be used.

In 1/48 scale, stencils are provided for two aircraft. Insted of the paint masks, the white Swiss Crosses can be used.