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Euro Decals Swedish Air force SAAB 35 DRAKEN ED72111
Sheet ED-72/48111 is even more comprehensive, offering aircraft code and wing numbers as used on Swedish Drakens. Also provided are white geometric shapes (solid circles, squared-‘U’ and semi-circle shapes) applied as exercise markings during the ‘70s. Finally, tiny unit insignia in white are also included. The numerals are provided in three colours, white and dayglo yellow and red and a variety of sizes. This will enable the modeller to build any Swedish Draken of his/her choice in either the original blue/green or later grey camouflage schemes. The different sizes cater for placement in the three typical locations of upper wings, tail and forward fuselage.
Both decal sheets are very crisply printed on thin carrier film and the contents are offered in sufficient quantity to complete at least one aircraft. The instructions show considerable detail and extensive research; close study will reward the modeller with an extremely accurate model, right down to the correct version of canopy, long or short tail cone and specific timeframe for a particular aircraft.