• Swedish-Air-force-1968-o68-SQUARES_700_600_1EBSK


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Euro Decals Swedish Air force 1968 o68 SQUARES ED 72-110


Euro Decals have produced two decal sheets catering primarily for Swedish Air Force Drakens in both 1/72 (reviewed here) and 1/48 scales.  They depict emblems, numbers and symbols applied to the Draken (and other aircraft such as the SAAB 32 Lansen) throughout its service and in the variety of schemes worn over that time.

Sheet ED-72/48110 offers the modeller patterns of dayglo squares in both fluorescent red and yellow to represent the markings applied to Drakens, Lansens and Pembroke aircraft from the late 1960s and frequently seen well into the 1970s. They were commonly applied to the tail, fuselage or wing surfaces and are definitely something I associate with pictures of Swedish Drakens in their blue/green camouflage. A small addition to the sheet is the inclusion of tiny unit emblems in dayglo yellow applicable to Drakens of the display team between 1971 and 78 and later J35F or J35J Drakens from F10 Wing.