Euro Decals Occupational USAF ED 72104
Looking for some different markings for a P-47D or the P-51D, try making them an F-47 or an F-51? What is the difference you say? How about Stars and Bars? How about buzz markings? How about the USAF Occupational Forces markings in Germany in 1946? Not Luftwaffe ’46, but actual aircraft markings from the immediate post war era. For the first time that I can recall, this overlooked and historically significant era can be represented.
This sheet from Euro Decals covers P-51Ds in 1945/46 and the F-47Ds in July1948. Seven aircraft, five P-51Ds and two F-47Ds, are presented on the two sheets in 1/48th and two sheets in 1/72nd.
The P-51s are from the 355th FG and the F-47s are from the 86th FBW/FTW. One of the Mustangs represents the aircraft flown by Col. Claiborne Kinnard, Jr. of 4th FG fame in the immediate post war period. Most of the aircraft have nose art that is nicely rendered. All the P-51s are in natural metal and sport fin fillets. The first is coded YF-W, named “Little Plug” This is the most WWII looking of the aircraft, except for the buzz numbers on the lower wing. Red area aft of the spinner and tail with a white spinner makes it a very attractive airplane. The next three Mustangs sport the white spinner and the red on the rudder and behind the spinner. The aircraft WR-B, named “Wolverine”, has the fuselage ringed in Red and Yellow stripes, not as large as invasion stripes but quite colorful. The next airplane is WR-Z, Named “Mr. Lucky”, has nose markings of a nude fairy or maybe it is an angel, which is nicely done. The fourth Mustang coded WR-o is named “Arlene”. It is similar markings to the other P-51s with the red and yellow fuselage stripes, red aft spinner and tail and white nose. The final P-51 is Kinnard’s aircraft. Sporting a YF fuselage code with red, yellow and blue fuselage, tail and nose stripes this is one colorful Mustang.
The first F-47D has yellow tail and nose, as well as, black highlights. What I found interesting is the markings for the US Air Force along with the stars and bars. The other F-47D has a red cowling with red pin stripes along the fuselage sides. Very nice touch. Both aircraft somehow look different with the stars and bars.
The decals look very nice. The colors look great for the aircraft specific decals but the American star and bars look a little too light for my liking. The decals are opaque and respond well with the MicroSol and Set system.
The decals are a nice change from the usual World War II markings.